Join us Sundays at 9am + 11am

2050 E Trafficway


PARKING and entrances

When you arrive, we will have a parking team outside to assist you. If you are a guest, we have guest parking spots specifically for you. Turn on your hazards to let us know it’s your first time!

When you arrive, greeters will welcome you at the door. We will have coffee, tea, and water served just inside the doors on the East side. In the center of the atrium, you will see our connections table, where you can ask questions or get connected.


At the west entrance of the building, you will find our secure children's area. HCKIDS is focused on Partnering With Parents to Make Disciples. We use age-specific curricula for 0-5th grade that focus on teaching the Bible through a Gospel-centered lens. We have a team of volunteers to check in children.


We intentionally follow a common rhythm in every gathering:

Call to Worship. In the call to worship, we orient our hearts on Jesus.

Glory of God. We begin by focusing on the nature and character of God.

Our Need for Jesus (because of sin). Together, we acknowledge our need for Jesus because we have all sinned.

What Jesus Did (His Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension). We remind ourselves that we do not have to pay for our sin. That payment was made by Jesus through his Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension! We celebrate His victory over death and the mercy and grace that He offers us.

Sermon. Our teaching is Gospel-centered, not works-based, and focused on becoming disciples who make disciples, as God has commissioned us.

Our Response. We respond to the Gospel by pulling our affections away from idols (e.g. approval of others, comfort, control, etc.) and back to God. We receive communion at the end of every gathering.

Benediction. We end with a blessing and commission to Be With People as Sent People. This is our reminder that we as believers are sent to take the good news of the Gospel to those who do not know Jesus.